The Fund can invest in listed Australian securities, as well as in securities expected to be listed on an Australian exchange. The Fund will hold between 40 and 70 securities and will seek to remain fully invested with an allowable maximum cash exposure of 5% of total assets at any one time.

APIR Code: SOL0001AU | ARSN 128 859 898
APIR Code: WHT3859AU | ARSN: 618 962 995
APIR Code: WHT2589AU | ARSN: 618 961 667
find out more apply onlineInvestment Objective
Outperformance of the S&P/ASX 200 Accumulation Index over rolling 3 year periods.
This product is intended for use as a core allocation for a consumer who is seeking capital growth and has a high risk and return profile for that portion of their investment portfolio. It is likely to be consistent with the financial situation and needs of a consumer with a 7 year investment timeframe and who is unlikely to need to withdraw their money on less than one week’s notice. View the Target Market Determination (TMD).
Benefits and risks
Investment in the Solaris Core Australian Equity Fund offers investors a range of benefits:
- Management expertise: The investment and management expertise of Solaris, a boutique Australian owned equities fund manager providing access to investment opportunities and markets that individual investors usually cannot achieve on their own.
- Investment approach: Solaris selects a diversified portfolio of securities using fundamental analysis to exploit market inefficiencies in forecasts and valuations. Solaris’ investment approach involves a detailed analysis of the securities and key financial markets, with an eye on global perspectives.
- Diversification: The Fund’s investments will be spread across a carefully researched and actively managed portfolio of up to 70 different company stocks. This diversification of investments can help reduce overall investment risk.
- Investment opportunities: Access to wholesale investment opportunities that may not generally be available to private investors.
- Resources: Access to full-time research resources, a rigorous investment process, highly developed risk management expertise, and advanced trading systems and technology.
- Risks: All investments carry risk. Different strategies can carry different levels of risk, depending on the assets that make up that strategy. Assets with the highest long-term returns may also carry the highest level of risk. The value of investments and the level of returns will vary.
- Equity security risk: The share price of a security can rise and fall as a consequence of many factors including, but not limited to, economic conditions, adverse investor sentiment, management performance, financial leverage, or factors that affect the company’s industry.
- Concentration risk: The risk associated with a fund that concentrates its investments in a small number of securities or invests in a small subset of an asset class, resulting in possibly higher volatility compared to the broader market index.
- Investment strategy risk: The success of the Fund depends upon the investment manager’s ability to develop and implement investment processes and identify investment opportunities that achieve the investment objectives of the Fund.
Future returns may differ from past returns and past performance is not a reliable guide to future performance. For further discussion of risks please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.
Fund Information
BENCHMARK: | S&P/ASX 200 Accumulation Index |
INVESTMENT UNIVERSE: | 250+ stocks in Australian listed securities |
HOLDS BETWEEN: | 40 – 70 stocks in Australian listed securities |
Risk: | High |
Portfolio allocation1: | 95-100% Australian equities 0-5% Cash and cash equivalents2 |
STYLE: | Neutral |
MANAGEMENT FEE: | 0.90% p.a. |
RESPONSIBLE ENTITY: | Pinnacle Fund Services Limited |
1 The above portfolio allocation ranges are indicative only. The Fund will be rebalanced within a reasonable period of time should the exposure move outside of the above ranges.
2 Excludes cash used for derivatives transactions and exposure.
How to Invest
For investment via platform (IDPS) there is no minimum investment requirement.
Please refer to your IDPS operator’s requirements.
The minimum initial investment for a Direct Investor is $30,000.
In order to download the application form, you must read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Additional Information to the PDS.
Platform Availability
AMP North | Macquarie Wrap |
Asgard | Mason Stevens |
BT Panorama | Perpetual Wrap |
CFS FirstChoice, FirstWrap | Powerwrap (IDPS only) |
HUB24, Xplore | Praemium |
Insignia Expand |

About the Fund
The Solaris Core Australian Equity Fund (Performance Alignment) Unit Class provides the investor with an opportunity to invest in a fund with a performance fee structure that requires the investor to pay a performance fee only if the Fund outperforms its Benchmark. This fee structure provides a clear alignment of interests between the investor and Solaris by aligning the fee earning potential with Benchmark outperformance.
Investment Objective
Outperformance of the S&P/ASX 200 Accumulation Index over rolling 3 year periods.
This product is intended for use as a core allocation for a consumer who is seeking capital growth and has a high risk and return profile for that portion of their investment portfolio. It is likely to be consistent with the financial situation and needs of a consumer with a 7 year investment timeframe and who is unlikely to need to withdraw their money on less than one week’s notice. View the Target Market Determination (TMD).
Benefits and risks
Investment in the Solaris Core Australian Equity Fund (Performance Alignment) offers investors a range of benefits:
- Management expertise: The investment and management expertise of Solaris, a boutique Australian owned equities fund manager providing access to investment opportunities and markets that individual investors usually cannot achieve on their own.
- Investment approach: Solaris selects a diversified portfolio of securities using fundamental analysis to exploit market inefficiencies in forecasts and valuations. Solaris’ investment approach involves a detailed analysis of the securities and key financial markets, with an eye on global perspectives.
- Diversification: The Fund’s investments will be spread across a carefully researched and actively managed portfolio of up to 70 different company stocks. This diversification of investments can help reduce overall investment risk.
- Investment opportunities: Access to wholesale investment opportunities that may not generally be available to private investors.
- Resources: Access to full-time research resources, a rigorous investment process, highly developed risk management expertise, and advanced trading systems and technology.
- Risks: All investments carry risk. Different strategies can carry different levels of risk, depending on the assets that make up that strategy. Assets with the highest long-term returns may also carry the highest level of risk. The value of investments and the level of returns will vary.
- Equity security risk: The share price of a security can rise and fall as a consequence of many factors including, but not limited to, economic conditions, adverse investor sentiment, management performance, financial leverage, or factors that affect the company’s industry.
- Concentration risk: The risk associated with a fund that concentrates its investments in a small number of securities or invests in a small subset of an asset class, resulting in possibly higher volatility compared to the broader market index.
- Investment strategy risk: The success of the Fund depends upon the investment manager’s ability to develop and implement investment processes and identify investment opportunities that achieve the investment objectives of the Fund.
Future returns may differ from past returns and past performance is not a reliable guide to future performance. For further discussion of risks please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.
Fund Information
BENCHMARK: | S&P/ASX 200 Accumulation Index |
INVESTMENT UNIVERSE: | 250+ stocks in Australian listed securities |
HOLDS BETWEEN: | 40 – 70 stocks in Australian listed securities |
Risk: | High |
Portfolio allocation1: | 95-100% Australian equities 0-5% Cash and cash equivalents2 |
STYLE: | Neutral |
PERFORMANCE FEE: | 30% p.a. of gross outperformance of the Benchmark. High watermark applies to any underperformance. |
RESPONSIBLE ENTITY: | Pinnacle Fund Services Limited |
1 The above portfolio allocation ranges are indicative only. The Fund will be rebalanced within a reasonable period of time should the exposure move outside of the above ranges.
2 Excludes cash used for derivatives transactions and exposure.
How to Invest
For investment via platform (IDPS) there is no minimum investment requirement.
Please refer to your IDPS operator’s requirements.
The minimum initial investment for a Direct Investor is $30,000.
In order to download the application form, you must read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Additional Information to the PDS.
Platform Availability
Acclaim Wealth | IconiQ |
AMP North | Insignia Expand |
Asgard | Macquarie Wrap |
BT Panorama | Mason Stevens |
CFS FirstWrap | Netwealth |
DASH (IDPS only) | Powerwrap (IDPS only) |
HUB24, Xplore | Praemium |

About the Fund
The Fund aims to provide investors with access to an actively managed portfolio of listed Australian securities (as well as securities expected to be listed on an Australian exchange) with a focus on providing income.
Investment Objective
Outperformance of the S&P/ASX200 Accumulation Index (including franking) after fees. Annual gross yield (including franking) that exceeds the gross yield of the S&P/ASX200 Accumulation Index.
This product is intended for use as a core allocation for a consumer who is seeking regular income and has a high risk and return profile for that portion of their investment portfolio. It is likely to be consistent with the financial situation and needs of a consumer with a 3-5 year investment timeframe and who is unlikely to need to withdraw their money on less than one week’s notice. View the Target Market Determination (TMD).
Benefits and risks
Investment in the Solaris Australian Equity Income Fund offers investors a range of benefits:
- Management expertise: The investment and management expertise of Solaris, a boutique Australian owned equities fund manager providing access to investment opportunities and markets that individual investors usually cannot achieve on their own.
- Investment approach: Solaris selects a diversified portfolio of securities using fundamental analysis to exploit market inefficiencies in forecasts and valuations. Solaris’ investment approach involves a detailed analysis of the securities and key financial markets, with an eye on global perspectives.
- Diversification: The Fund’s investments will be spread across a carefully researched and actively managed portfolio of up to 80 different company stocks. This diversification of investments can help reduce overall investment risk.
- Investment opportunities: Access to wholesale investment opportunities that may not generally be available to private investors.
- Resources: Access to full-time research resources, a rigorous investment process, highly developed risk management expertise, and advanced trading systems and technology.
- Risks: All investments carry risk. Different strategies can carry different levels of risk, depending on the assets that make up that strategy. Assets with the highest long-term returns may also carry the highest level of risk. The value of investments and the level of returns will vary.
- Equity security risk: The share price of a security can rise and fall as a consequence of many factors including, but not limited to, economic conditions, adverse investor sentiment, management performance, financial leverage, or factors that affect the company’s industry.
- Investment strategy risk: The success of the Fund depends upon the investment manager’s ability to develop and implement investment processes and identify investment opportunities that achieve the investment objectives of the Fund.
Future returns may differ from past returns and past performance is not a reliable guide to future performance. For further discussion of risks please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.
Fund Information
BENCHMARK: | S&P/ASX 200 Franking Credit Adjusted Daily Total Return Index (Tax-Exempt) |
INVESTMENT UNIVERSE: | 250+ stocks in Australian listed securities |
HOLDS BETWEEN: | 30-80 securities |
Risk : | High |
Portfolio Allocation1: | 80-100% Australian equities 0-20% Cash and cash equivalents2 |
MANAGEMENT FEE: | 0.90% p.a. |
RESPONSIBLE ENTITY: | Pinnacle Fund Services Limited |
1 The above portfolio allocation ranges are indicative only. The Fund will be rebalanced within a reasonable period of time should the exposure move outside of the above ranges.
2 Excludes cash used for derivatives transactions and exposure.
How to Invest
In order to download the application form, you must read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Additional Information to the PDS.
Platform Availability
AMP North | Macquarie Wrap |
BT Panorama | Netwealth |
DASH | Powerwrap (IDPS only) |
HUB24, Xplore | Praemium |
Insignia Expland |

About the Fund
The Solaris Australian Equity Long Short Fund provides the investor with an opportunity to invest in a fundamental style neutral Australian equity long short product (can hold both long and short positions). The Fund will maintain a net exposure of 70% – 100%, with the proceeds from shorting (40% maximum) reinvested in preferred long positions in order to enhance returns. The portfolio will typically consist of 40 – 70 long ideas and 20 – 30 short ideas. The Fund may be suitable for investors with an Investment horizon of 7 years, and seek capital growth via exposure to Australian stocks and are willing to accept the short-term fluctuations in price typically associated with such investments.
Investment Objective
To achieve returns that exceed the S&P/ASX200 Accumulation Index by taking both long and short positions in selected shares listed on a recognised Australian exchange.
This product is intended for use as a core allocation for a consumer who is seeking capital growth and has a Very high risk and return profile for that portion of their investment portfolio. It is likely to be consistent with the financial situation and needs of a consumer with a 7 year investment timeframe and who is unlikely to need to withdraw their money on less than one week’s notice. View the Target Market Determination (TMD).
Benefits and risks
Investing in the Solaris Australian Equity Long Short Fund offers a range of benefits:
- Management expertise: The investment and management expertise of Solaris, a boutique Australian owned equities fund manager providing access to investment opportunities and markets that individual investors usually cannot achieve on their own.
- Investment approach: Solaris selects a diversified portfolio of securities using fundamental analysis to exploit market inefficiencies in forecasts and valuations. Solaris’ investment approach involves a detailed analysis of the securities and key financial markets, with an eye on global perspectives.
- Diversification: The Fund’s investments will be spread across a carefully researched and actively managed portfolio of different companies. This diversification of investments can help reduce overall investment risk.
- Investment opportunities: Access to wholesale investment opportunities that may not generally be available to private investors.
- Resources: Access to full-time research resources, a rigorous investment process, highly developed risk management expertise, and advanced trading systems and technology.
- Risks: All investments carry risk. Different strategies can carry different levels of risk, depending on the assets that make up that strategy. Assets with the highest long-term returns may also carry the highest level of risk. The value of investments and the level of returns will vary.
- Equity security risk: A security’s share price can rise and fall as a consequence of many factors including, but not limited to, economic conditions, adverse investor sentiment, management performance, financial leverage or factors that affect the company’s industry.
- Short selling risk: There is a higher risk in creating a short position than creating a long position in relation to a security. In creating a short position, the Fund will borrow a security from a securities lender and sell it with the intention of repurchasing the security when the price of the security falls. If the price of the security rises, a loss is incurred which can be much greater than the price of the security at which it was sold.
Future returns may differ from past returns and past performance is not a reliable guide to future performance. For further discussion of risks please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.
Fund Information
BENCHMARK: | S&P/ASX200 Accumulation Index |
INVESTMENT UNIVERSE: | 250+ stocks in Australian listed securities |
HOLDS BETWEEN: | Typically 40-70 long equities and 20-30 short equities |
SUGGESTED TIMEFRAME: | Minimum 7 years |
Risk: | Very High |
Portfolio allocation1: | 70-100% Australian equities 0-30% Derivatives 0-30% Cash and cash equivalents2 |
STYLE: | Neutral (Neither value or growth bias for example) |
MANAGEMENT FEE: | 0.99% p.a. |
PERFORMANCE FEE: | 15% (payable semi-annually) based on outperformance of the benchmark and base fee. |
RESPONSIBLE ENTITY: | Pinnacle Fund Services Limited |
1 The above portfolio allocation ranges are indicative only. The Fund will be rebalanced within a reasonable period of time should the exposure move outside of the above ranges.
2 Excludes cash used for derivatives transactions and exposure.
How to Invest
The minimum initial investment for a direct investor is $30,000.
In order to download the application form, you must read the Product Disclosure Statement.
Platform Availability
AMP North | Insignia Expand |
Asgard | Macquarie Wrap |
BT Panorama | Mason Stevens |
CFS FirstWrap | Netwealth |
HUB24, Xplore | Powerwrap (IDPS only) |
IconiQ | Praemium |